Carrie Baxter
Carrie Baxter has over a decade of experience in solid waste consulting in a broad range of operational, planning, and financial projects. She is an expert in providing legislative compliance assistance to local jurisdictions for implementing or expanding programs related to collection, tracking, and infrastructure development, as well as assisting in negotiating improvements and best practices into municipal codes and collection agreements. Carrie is passionate about identifying how our clients can incentivize diversion and engage their community and stakeholders.
Carrie brings significant experience with competitive procurement projects for solid waste management services to improve waste hauler collection contracts by incorporating best practices and legislative requirements. Carrie routinely supports jurisdictions by providing financial analysis services, such as studying rates and how to incentivize diversion, engaging the community and stakeholders, operational and performance reviews, evaluating billing and reporting systems, and conducting on-site route audits and comprehensive benchmarking and rate surveys for various cities throughout California.