Entries by Peggy Paulsen

Riverside – Solid Waste Organic Services Program Review

R3 first conducted an evaluation of the City of Riverside (City)’s organics collection program, which included reviewing the City’s municipal code, franchise agreement, and commercial solid waste rates; disposal, transfer and processing options and capabilities, commercial customer practices, available food recovery program options, and waste hauler involvement in the provision of services. As part of this […]

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Merced – Solid Waste Rate Study & 5-Year Financial Plan

R3 was recently engaged by the City of Merced (City) to assist with the preparation of an amended solid waste and revenue Rate Study and 5-Year Financial Plan to meet the projected future expenses and obligations for municipally-operated hauling division over the coming five years. This study served as an amendment to the rate model […]

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CalRecycle – SB 1383 Cost Impacts to Local Service Rates

CalRecycle engaged R3 (along with subconsultants Cascadia Consulting Group and Integrated Waste Management Consulting) to conduct research and analysis related to cost impacts of SB 1383 to local jurisdictions and organics infrastructure needs. R3’s primary objective was to provide CalRecycle with a comprehensive understanding of the State’s municipal solid waste and recycling rates, policies, and […]

The End of the Plastics Recycling Market in India and Recycling as We Know It?

For a look at some impactful developments in the world of recycling, here are two interesting articles: Published in The Atlantic on March 5, 2019: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/is-this-the-end-of-recycling/ar-BBUpk8p Published in Plastics Recycling Update on March 6, 2019: https://resource-recycling.com/plastics/2019/03/06/india-to-end-plastic-scrap-imports/

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County Of Los Angeles – Solid Waste Tonnage and Residential and Commercial Franchise Fee Verification

Since 2016, R3 has been engaged by the County of Los Angeles (County) Department of Public Works to audit monthly facility and franchised hauler payments and tonnage reports required by the County. These audits are being conducted pursuant to Los Angeles County Code Chapter 20.88, which requires that all disposal sites, transfer/processing stations, or waste […]

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City Of Santa Monica – Solid Waste Operational Analysis, Rate Study, and Zero Waste Plan Update

R3 was recently engaged by the City of Santa Monica (City) to conduct an Operational Analysis, Rate Study, and Zero Waste Plan Update for the Resource Recovery and Recycling Division (RRR Division)’s municipally operated solid waste collection and recycling operations. The primary objective of this project is to determine how to continue achieving the City’s […]

CA Assembly Bill 815 Incentivizes Cities to Transition to Dual-Stream Recycling

Per an article by Colin Staub in Resource Recycling, “California Assembly Member Cecilia Aguiar-Curry last week introduced Assembly Bill 815, which offers communities incentive to adopt dual-stream collections,” defined in the bill as the source separation of paper and containers, at minimum. Under this bill, communities that adopt dual-stream would automatically be considered compliant with the CA […]

Impact of Cannabis on California’s Waste Diversion Goals?

As reported in Waste Management Magazine, there are an estimated 50,000 – 70,000 California licensed and unlicensed cannabis cultivators, and “a typical, mid-sized manufacturer will produce 250 to 500 pounds of waste a day.” Given how rapidly this agricultural sector is growing, and the classification of cannabis waste as organic (vs. hazardous), there are concerns about the […]